I titled this entry "Following is my gift". I have since ever I can remember been what is known as a follower. I never wanted to lead. Being out front was too risky. I have grown a little the last couple of years. I have been under the tutoring of a great teacher and friend. She has helped raise my girls, doggedly pulling one back from the brink of self destruction, mentoring her and challenging her to be all she can be. I thank God every day for the love, prayers, and tears that she has poured out on my family. My coming under her, her husband, and her father's teaching has grown my girls and myself in ways we never thought possible. (Never ever think that the time at the church was in vain.)
Now a season has closed for the intense time together and a new one is opening. None of the sister's involved know just what God has in store, but it is going to be fantastic. It will not be easy, anytime God sets us on a new path it is going to be more challenging and more intense than the last road we traveled. When we are sure God is opening a door we need to proceed leaning entirely on Him. "Then you will know which way to go, for you have never been this way before." Joshua 3:4. Sometimes we are so busy doing the work we have grown accustomed to in God's house we are not listening when He whispers in our ear, "time to change paths," we miss it.
God is gracious enough to wait, but if we do not respond in a timely manner He will get our attention. When the pain of being halted in your tracks, and finding out many you thought were friends are not subsides, you find that God and your true friends are still there. God is there with you, He never left. There are new things to do. Sandy P. wrote: "I have work for you to do. It won't look like what you expect. Trust me. Despise not the days of small beginnings, (Zech 4:10). My Pastor always expounded on the need to trancend. If we are not moving forward, then we are moving backward, because the world keeps on spinning. I learned that to trancend means to move in great leaps to the next level.
I have not been given my next season. I feel as though my training is not complete. So I spend time quietly reading, listening, studying, and listening, and listening. I do not wish to miss my next calling. As I stated earlier God speaks in a whisper, quietly directing the next step. I expect it to be teaching, as that is my training at present. I am also studying theology with another straight-from-the-hip teacher. God does not stand still and if your hand is firmly tucked inside of His you will not be still either. That is not to say there are not quiet times. He will hold you and comfort you, gently brush away the tears, and then when you are ready He will lead you on. Paul said "follow me as I follow Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). I never thought of myself as a leader, but then I never saw myself as a teacher either and now I am studying to be one. What is God calling you to do? Seek Him, find Him, follow Him, the journey does not end until we stand in the throne-room of the God most high. My Abba Father. Seeking God, seeking Zoe.
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