Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Power of the Spoken Word

I mentioned before that the spoken word has power. Dutch Sheets wrote a book on Intercessory Prayer. After reading it I understand a lot more about proclaiming something before God. Many times this term is used to "ask" God for something and then expect it to happen simply because you asked for it. Proclaiming is not asking. Proclaiming is speaking forth. If you continue to speak positive the word of God you make it more and more difficult for satanic attacks to take hold. If you speak only negatively about something you give power to darkness. Example: if I go around constantly saying "Oh my kids didn't finish school, they are never going to make it in life, they are never going to get a good job..." This opens the door for Satan and limits the power of God. What I should be saying is: "Lord God of heaven you are the master, creator and all powerful, my children are a gift from you. I give them into your hands guide their lives and fulfill your plans for them. You entrusted them to me for a little while and now they are grown and I give them back into your care." These prayers from a mother's heart are heard by heaven and give God the release to begin to work things in their lives to make His plan for their life come about. The child still has to act upon these opportunities but you open doors for them with your prayers.
If you want in depth knowledge on this you can read this book. But as it was explained to me the power of God to work in this world is activitated by the spoken word. If you are reading your Bible you will remember passages where God tells a prophet to pray for something, as He did when He told Elijah to pray to stop the rain, and then again to pray to make it rain again. This is not an instant "switch" that activates God's power, sometimes there is opposition. Daniel was one of the most powerful prayer warriors that ever lived and even he experienced opposition. Daniel 10: 12-14 reads "Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard and I have come in response to them. But the Prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the cheif princes, came to help me, because I was detained there withe the king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come."
So you see even when God sends an angel to answer people's prayer there os opposition from Satan's relm. We must continue to pray. To speak out in a positive manner. God set this up to work this way after man's fall in Eden. Satan was given rule over this earth until such a time as only God knows and Christ will return. During this time we must seek God, our power lies within us, the Holy Spirit. If anyone tells you there is not a spiritual war going on right now they are lying to you. Put your armor on (Ephesians 6: 10-18) every day and speak out against all evil and all of the princes of darkness. God Bless You.

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