Ever stop and just think, where is God? Why do I have to go through the things I do? Is Jesus real and if He is why can't I see Him? He is real, He is there I know that, but I want to feel Him. I am a Pentacostal. If you are not familiar with that term I will explain. Pentacostal goes back to that time in the book of Acts where Christ's deciples were told to go to the upper room and wait. This was after He was crusified and died and rose again. Jesus appeared to many after that hundreds in fact. Pentacost is 50 days after the Passover, which Jesus had celebrated with His disciples just before His death. There were 120 in the room when the Holy Spirit entered in as a rushing wind, then tongues of fire appeared over their heads. And then the Holy Spirit entered into them and they began speaking in other languages as The Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4. Many believe that this was a one time thing. It is not, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would enter into all who believe in Him. Speaking in tongues seems to frighten many. There is nothing to fear. You don't lose control and get taken over by this mysterious spirit.
Speaking in tongues is two fold. One is a private prayer language between you and God, you can do this anytime you want to speak to Him. Many do so when their heart is full and words won't come. It is called praying in the Spirit. You will not understand the language that you utter it is the Spirit speaking through you. There is power in the spoken word, that is why Jesus said be careful what you say, let no idle words come forth. Remember God spoke the world into existance. Well that is another subject. The other time you may speak in tongues is for the edification of the church or unbelievers. At this time you will seak out the words as The Holy Spirit directs, and this may be another language of the world. Sometimes it is a message for another who understands that language. When it is for the edification of the church it is usually an ancient language and the Spirit will prompt someone else in the church to interpret. Being this close to God is awsome. sometimes you can physically feel Him. I have not yet given a message in tongues, but I speak to Him daily. I speak forth in my prayer language to allow the Holy Spirit to communicate to God what is in my heart that I can't find words for, or to just let the Spirit use me as a mouthpiece. Remember the spoken word has power. You can speak forth good or evil it is your choice.
I know this is a lot to take in, especially if you are not Pentacostal, but it is nothing to be afraid of. The great thing is that Satan cannot understand what you are saying to God when you speak in your prayer language. He may understand a message in tongues that is in other languages, but no matter he can't do a thing about it. Well I have some school work to do. I come back tomorrow. Peace to you, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. John 11:25,26.
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